Progress in Afghan peace talks possible: US

KABUL (Pajhwok): The United States believes progress is possible in the snail-paced peace negotiations between the Afghan government and the Taliban in Doha. A State Department spokesman told reporters it was too early to say how the intra-Afghan dialogue was going.
Ned Price “was quoted as saying by Reuters: “We have continued to encourage all sides to take part constructively … knowing that this is a moment in time where progress is possible.” The US was ready to do all it could to facilitate that progress and support the Afghan dialogue between the various parties, the spokesman assured.
Price added US Special Representative for Afghanistan Reconciliation Zalmay Khalilzad would remain in Doha for a period of time to work on the Afghan peace process. “Ambassador Khalilzad remains in the region. I understand he will be based in Doha… for some time. I wouldn’t want to prejudge how things may unfold in coming hours and in coming days.”
About Khalilzad’s visit to Islamabad, the official sid the envoy met Pakistan officials, including Chief of Army Staff Gen. Qamar Javed Bajwa. “In those discussions, Khalilzad thanked Pakistani counterparts for their assistance and asked Pakistan continued commitment to the peace process,” Price added.