Six bikers held for one-wheeling in Peshawar

F.P. Report

PESHAWAR: The City Traffic Police on Saturday impounded six motorcycles in action against one-wheeler in Northern Bypass, Peshawar.

On the directives of Senior Superintendent of Police (SSP) Traffic, Waseem Ahmad Khalil, in the supervision of Deputy Superintendent of Police (DSP) Taj Maluk, SHO Traffic along with his team carried out actions against one-wheelers on the Northern Bypass, Peshawar.

During action they arrested six one-wheeler and impounded their motor cycles under section 523/550 Cr.PC.

SSP traffic Waseem Ahmad said that all types of resources would be utilized to ensure implementation of traffic rules and strictly action will be taken against traffic violators.

SSP Traffic also urged parents to keep vigilance eyes on their children and prevent them from such activity.

He said one-wheelers were not only playing with their own lives but they were also a threat for other road users that is why stern action was being taken against them.

He said the citizens particularly parents should play their role to curb the activity as one wheeling, rash and negligent driving were the main causes for fatal accidents.