Tribesmen ask for action against political agent

F.P Report

PESHAWAR: Elders and maliks of North Waziristan Agency have alleged the political agent of being involved in corruption practices and asked authorities concerned to take pragmatic step against him.

Speaking at a news conference on Saturday at Peshawar press club, the elders of North Waziristan Agency among them Malik Jalal, Malik Aqa Khan, Malik Shaifq and Malik Habibur Rehman, have said that the alleged political agent of North Waziristan Kamran Afridi has created problems for them and he is involved in embezzlement.

Angry tribesmen informed they had earlier submitted written applications against the political agent in governor house Khyber Pakhtunkhwa but to no nail which indicates that those people are backing him (PA) as well. In light of a number of complaints, the relevant authorities did not take notice and pay heed to their grievances which is a matter of great concern, they regretted.

They clearly said that people of agency are fed up with current political agent who has only focused to earn money despite facilitating and serving them. During uncertainty and military operations, they said they left their homes and lived in settled areas for long time for the sake of homeland.

Regarding alleged political agent, the elders and maliks revealed that he has imposed tax on daily use items, they were carrying to homes which is a clear example of corruption. However, the alleged political agent has chosen few of his near and dear for local Jirgas who he backs them in all Jirgas, they added.

They asked that genuine representatives of people should be incorporated in Jirgas instead of PA selected tribesmen. Tribesmen urged the relevant authorities to instantly initiate probe into the alleged embezzlement via national institutions otherwise they would carry out protest sit-in along with other tribesmen of North Waziristan Agency in Peshawar and Islamabad.