‘Upcoming global threat’

Tahir Abbas

The quick spread of covid-19 is a grim reminder of how global forces respect no sovereignty of states and perils of ignoring global problems until they threaten to overwhelmed states that refuse to take actions and show not compliance with the signed treaties. As like Corona virus, environmental problems are not confined into the national compartments. Climate change impacts are also transnational in nature. They strike the states, regions and continents by taking not into consideration their power status, racial supremacy and religion.

Environmental activists have been endeavoring to divert the attention of power hunger leaders from high politics to low political domain but they are not ready to heed the attention. Climate change is weapon which is more lethal than atomic bomb. According to liberal approach, by taking collective measures, problems can be managed. But, in the environmental predicament, it seems very obscure and rudimentary to mitigate the impacts of climate change.

Covid-19 bears on the world by engulfing the innocent lives and constraining their social, economical and political activities. It is being said by the scientists that it would remain for just very short period. On the hand, it is very contrary to covid-19,climate change not would take the lives but terminate the resources of the earth. The alteration in rain patterns, melting of historical glaciers (taking about Antarctica glaciers) and severity of seasons are clearly indicating the next global threat to come. Multiple treaties have been by the divers states, but, compliance to these documents does not appear satisfactory.

These flawed documents are signed by the consent of the states and they never sign the treat until it fulfills their essential requirements. These requirements are their main national interest and in this way, treaties become just a paper of black ink. “  Global warming is trillion dollar problem requiring a trillion dollar solution “

This is time to take very strict actions to combat the global warming. Otherwise, it will be very late to stop the unusual floods and prolonged season. Climate change would be hundred time more severe than covid-19. Flawed models like free riding Carbon emissions should be replaced by the new models, includes reforms and penalties’ is said that “when it comes to climate change policies today, nations speak loudly but carry no stuck at all.”

Governments should pay attention to take environment friendly steps to mitigate the impacts of climate change on the social as well as economic activities of the state.