Varsities financial crisis: FAPUASA demands availability of funds

F.P. Report
PESHAWAR: The Federation of All Pakistan Universities Academic Staff Association (FAPUASA) Khyber Pakhtynkhwa Chapter President Dr. Feroz Shah and General Secretary Dr. Zafar Hayat Khan have expressed grave concern over the financial crises being faced by universities in Pakistan, specifically in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. Many universities are facing budgetary problems resulting in non-payment of salaries, pensions and regular allowances to it’s employees on regular basis. Consequently, many universities got on strikes in recent past.
The situation in Balochistan and Sindh is also alarming where faculty and staff are on roads.
FAPUASA (KP) calls upon the federal government to enhance the annual recurring and development budget at least to 500 Billion of Rupees for universities in the federal government budge (2023-2024) and each Provincial Government should also allocate Grants in Aids to their respective universities. The current budgetary allocation for universities is insufficient, and it has become increasingly difficult for universities to meet their expenses and even to pay monthly salaries. As a result, many faculty and staff members are suffering and unable to make ends meet.
The lack of funds has also led to a deterioration in the quality of education. The universities are unable to invest in research, technology and infrastructure. This has led to a decline in the quality of education and research output, which is a cause of concern for FAPUASA.
FAPUASA (KP) believes that investing in education is an investment in the future of Pakistan. Therefore, we call upon the federal government to increase the budget allocation for universities and ensure that they receive the necessary funds to continue their operations and improve the quality of education and research.
FAPUASA (KP) is committed to working with the government to find an amicable solution to the financial issues faced by universities.
We hope that the government will take immediate action to address these issues and ensure that the future of Pakistan’s education system is secured.