40 people committed suicide in past year

KABUL (TOLOnews): The findings of TOLOnews’ shows that more than 40 people in 10 out of 34 provinces have committed suicide over a year’s time.
The highest number is from Faryab province, with nine. September 10 is World Suicide Prevention Day 2022.
The World Health Organization said in a report that an estimated 703,000 people a year commit suicide around the world. For every suicide, there are likely 20 other people making suicide attempts and many more have serious thoughts of suicide.
“Millions of people suffer intense grief or are otherwise profoundly impacted by suicidal behaviours,” the report said.
According to TOLOnews’ findings, nine people committed suicide in Faryab, four people in Helmand, four people in Bamyan, six people in Nimroz, six people in Badakhshan, five people in Khost, four people in Farah, two people in Kunar and one in both Kunduz and Paktia.
Mohammad Safa Farzae, a psychologist, said that access to information, and awareness, helps people avoid committing suicide.
“Why does a person try to commit suicide? When they feel guilty and unworthy and think they are not effective in the society anymore—when they think that life is not useful anymore,” he said.
Some of the residents in Kabul said that the lack of access to education is one of the main reasons for the stress in their life.
“We have some youth who are educated. All of them are at home and jobless which causes them to commit suicide,” said Parwiz, a resident of Kabul.
“They are going to study amid difficulties but finally they don’t reach any results for their efforts as they remain jobless,” said Nabila, a resident of Kabul.
World Suicide Prevention Day was established in 2003 by the International Association for Suicide Prevention in conjunction with the World Health Organization.