Airplane crash and Western predictions

According to the western media, an international team of investigators claimed that it has found strong indications that Russian President Vladimir Putin approved the supply of heavy anti-aircraft weapons to Ukrainian separatists who shot down Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17 in 2014. According to the details, the investigators claimed that they have strong indications, but still have not reached a high bar of complete and conclusive evidence that confirms their study.

A Malaysian Airliner en route from Amsterdam to Kula Lumpur was shot down by an unknown missile over a conflict zone in Eastern Ukraine on July 17, 2014. The deadly crash resulted in the death of all 283 passengers along with 15 crew members while leaving thousands of others deprived of their loved ones. The wreckage of the plane was found in Donetsk Oblast controlled by pro-Russian Separatists forces. The unfortunate incidents attracted worldwide condemnation for Moscow and a Dutch-led global joint investigation team (JIT) probed the incident that revealed that the airliner was hit by a Russian-made Buk surface-to-air missile launched from the pro-Russian separatists-controlled territory in Eastern Ukraine.

In fact, the sad story of the airplane crash later fell prey to global politics and rivalry as Russia and the west started blaming each other for tragic mishaps over contested territory. Russia has always denied any involvement in the downing of the flight over eastern Ukraine and refused to cooperate with the international investigation. A Dutch court convicted two Russians and a Ukrainian rebel for their roles in shooting down the plane, however, western investigators are still mulling over scenarios that prove Putin’s involvement in the incident but failed so far.

Historically, western investigators have special expertise in discovering miracles out of nothing. Earlier, they assumed the presence of Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) in Baghdad and brought ruination to Iraq, then they forecasted the construction of chemical and nuclear weapons in Syria and Lybia, and brought destruction in those nations. Recently, western Strategists echoed prophecies about an impending war in Ukraine which did not end until Putin invaded Ukraine. Currently, the west is seriously engaged in creating a link between the airplane crash and Krimlin Strongman to malign him at the global level. Thus, the outcome of the latest prediction of western strategists is uncertain so far.