The European Union Delegation to Pakistan has hosted a pre-departure event for the 166 recipients of the EU’s flagship Erasmus Mundus Joint Master scholarships-2022. According to the details, this year, the highest number of 166 Pakistani students have received scholarships to study in different universities in the European Union, while 3,013 students from 133 countries under Erasmus Mundus Joint Master scholarships.
Learning and teaching is a great job and the excel of development and technology which has been grasped by the world today has become possible only due to preaching of Education. The developed nations across the globe including the United States, the UK, Canada, Australia and others annually offer thousands of scholarships to the students of third world countries from Asia, Africa and Latin America under various bilateral and multilateral agreements with concerned nations. These developed nations usually count and adjust all expenditures incurred on study of foreign students financial aid to third world nations.
However, the reports suggest that most of the Alumni of such scholarship programs did not come back to their countries and usually opted to continue to work in the host country. Pakistani students had fetched maximum seats in the recent contest for EU Scholarship program under Erasmus Mundus Joint Master program and secured 186 seats out of 3013 posts, which shows their interest and abilities.
In fact, Pakistanis are most capable and intelligent people and they have proved their mettle globally and the EU Chargé d’Affaires has acknowledged the commitment of young Pakistani students in EU scholarship program. However, Pakistanis are not much different from rest of the third world nations and usually prefer to stay abroad and sent remittances back home instead of serving the nation through their knowledge and expertise. Due to this phenomenon of Brain drain, the developed World tactfully attract genius brains from across the world while poor nation can not benefit from wisdom and knowledge of their citizens. Therefore, the government must adapt such measures that brilliant and people return back to country to serve their motherland instead of serving foreign nations.