Checks and balances: A way forward

Zargham Jabboana

“The Checks and Balances is a way to prevent Governments from either devolving into an Autocratic tyranny or an Autocratic mob mentality” said by an American writer Beau Willimon few years back which very rightly reflects the sad incident happened on January 6th 2021  in Washington, DC .This day will be remembered in the history of America as Black Day. Thousands of American from different states and of different age groups gathered in Capitol of USA with slogan “To make America great again”. Number of stalls were displayed to buy the stuff relevant to the rally i.e ‘caps, badges, hoodies, shirts etc. Mob of protestors were holding American Flags; few of them were displaying placards with note against abortion and Antifa. Different types of music prerecorded and live were on to keep the participants active and focused. Diverse materials were being distributed especially in booklet form. Variety of food trucks with diverse type of food were there to cater the appetite of People at large. There was hustle and bustle all around. In the afternoon, President of USA Donald J. Trump delivered his speech to the huge crowd gathered outside in Lincoln Memorial Ground. He said that they rigged the elections and stolen glorious victory. He criticized the role of few Republicans for not standing with him, even Vice President of USA Mike Pence was blamed too. President Trump tweeted that “Mike Pence didn’t have the courage to do what should have been done to protect our country and our constitution, giving States a chance to certify a corrected set of facts , not the fraudulent or inaccurate ones which they were asked to previously certify .USA demands The Truth!”

Charged crowd started their march to Capitol Hill building where Congress was in-session to certify the results of Elections 2020.They pushed Capitol police back, broke windows, opened doors and entered inside the building by force. Congressmen took refuge to hide themselves under the desk .One of the protestor got hold of presiding chair (speaker’s ). Vice President was evacuated by Police. Curfew was imposed by DC Mayor . Police from adjacent states was requested to help and control the situation.

World has seen very different America and hence a new chapter was added in United States history. Within hours, security forces evacuated the area from violent mobsters and congressmen re-assembled again to certify the results in the same evening. Voices to charge against the violent protestors and their accomplices started growing. Within days these shrill voices transformed into loud versions especially impeaching the President for encouraging the Protestors.

Social Media world-over was full of comments about the sad happening in Washington, DC. Few started comparing it with protests of Rome in 1922. Some called it a Literal Coup attempt and tried to Wake Americans’ Up against it. Within days congressmen agreed to resolution of impeachment of President of USA with majority, even 9 Republicans voted in favour of the resolution of impeachment with their Democrats colleagues. President Trump became first American President to be impeached twice. American senate has yet to put their legislative decision but probability of its success is very much on cards.

To conclude it can be said that majority of sane minds would like to give a big round of applause to American system of Checks and Balances available in Constitution and its implementation. Moreover, a lot of appreciation is justified towards the trust and confidence the Americans have on their systems and respect exhibited for voices of majority which ultimately is a showcase for promotion and strengthening of democratic values World over, even American constitutionalism and right-mix of its checks and balances proved its strength again against the litmus test of January 6th episode and this spirit ultimately paves the way for 3rd world to appreciate and follow these democratic values in times to come.

Note: Time will tell about the future BUT SAY NO TO CIVIL WAR PLEASE!    

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