COVID-19 will change the world order!

Haseeb Saeed

There has been a vast fear spread all around the world this time not by deadly weapons, aggressive policies of states, rivalries among regional groups and skirmishes between two countries over a territory but by the COVID-19 only. It has affected the whole world, the developed and developing countries. Globally, its effects can be seen on every civilization, state, economy and group.

The COVID-19 being limitless, is playing its role to change the current world order. Although there has been initial talks about change of world order but now this time, initial talks has turned into final talks. Covid-19 has become a blame game between China and America and is causing disturbance to Sino-American relations.
On March 18th Sino-American feuding intensified as China announced the expulsions of almost all American citizens about a dozen people-working in mainland China for the New York Times, the Washington Post and the Wall Street Journal. It was the biggest mass expulsion of Western journalists from China since Mao Zedong seized power in 1949. This aggressive act of China was followed by the Trump administration’s starter who on February 18th, designated five Chinese media organizations as “foreign missions” of the Chinese government. However, effects of Covid-19 on larger and largest states can been visualized by lens of leadership, citizenship and economy.
Living Giants to Mummies (Leadership):
Covid-19 has exposed the competence and leadership of USA as she has been unable to restrain this pandemic from its expansion among her masses. When President Trump signed a $738 billion defense bill last year, he officially created the Space Force but unfortunately, he could not work to raise the health status of his citizens. On March 3rd there were just 122 confirmed cases of covid-19-the disease currently sweeping the world-and only seven deaths. By March 17th there were 7,786 confirmed cases and 118 deaths. Twenty-eight days later, on what America look like?
There has been 69,000 cases and 1050 reported deaths till now. Ramp-ups in ventilator production are being pondered, including through emergency powers given to the president under the Defence Production Act of 1950, but there has been little actual action yet. Although White House reach deal on $2 trillion stimulus plan for Corona virus eradication, but American health system is seeming not to cope with it effectively.
Also, Trump needs to review the policy of 2017, a new national security strategy as COVID-19 has proved this policy as inadequate. On contrast, initially leadership of China has been under radius of criticism but it controlled the pandemic effectively. Though, China took over pandemic but Corona virus did give a proof that China too, is unfit for its global role. Recapitulating, USA and China moved parallel but opposite to each other as former moved to be a mummy while latter moved a step to be a living giant.
It takes two to tango ! (Citizens): Explicitly, Chinese went hand in hand with their leadership to face “rainy days”. Mao’s communes labored not only to help themselves but they did help to their government too. Despite of her over population The ill China turned healthy so abruptly that now she is sharing the burden of other countries. The Change which was on way (Economy): Where Covid-19 played all its cards against the worldly domains there it also betrayed the business of it.
The economic hit from covid-19 will be bad enough for rich countries, in both human and economic terms. Recent presentation of world economic forum on COVID-19 illustrates that it may take two years to recover those losses caused by virus globally. Early indications of COVID-19’s impact on the Chinese economy are worse than initially forecast. The corona virus pandemic could be the straw that breaks the camel’s back of economic globalization. Growing economy of China and military power had already provoked a bipartisan determination in the USA.
The economical change which has already begun; shifting away from U.S centric globalization to China centric globalization. The new world order which is on way; seems to support China in economical context. In a nutshll, the China is already retaliating the US, now China has stepped forward to reorder the current order. U.S should review its aggressive policies lest it should face economical collapse.