Desecration of Massoud’s tombstone sparks reactions

KABUL (Khaama Press): The desecration and vandalism of the tombstone of the late resistance front commander, Ahmad Shah Massoud, in his mausoleum, in the northern Afghan province of Panjshir, caused a stir once again and infuriated the people.
The former government’s Supreme Council for National Reconciliation head, Abdullah, responded angrily to the vandalism of Ahmad Shah Massoud’s gravestone by describing the offenders as “villainous and irresponsible.”
Pictures that have been made public reveal that the recently restored headstone of the late resistance front leader has once more been desecrated and broken, with pieces scattered all over the place.
The tombstone of the resistance front commander has previously been disrespectfully and hatefully destroyed by Taliban government fighters. Videos of Taliban dancing and stomping in Ahmad Shah Massoud’s tomb have been circulated throughout the past year.
In response to the outrage and protests of the public, the Taliban restructured Massoud’s mausoleum, but recent reports indicate that the tomb has once more been damaged.
Zabihullah Mujahid, a spokesman for the Taliban government, claimed on Saturday, November 5, that Taliban forces were not responsible for destroying Ahmad Shah Massoud’s tombstone. He dismissed the claims and stated that the rumors of the Taliban members desecrating the tombstone is untrue.