HELMAND (Khaama Press): Two children, who were brothers, died as a result of the explosion of a grenade, an unexploded explosive remnant of war, in the southern Afghan province of Helmand, according to local Taliban authorities.
The event took place in the Qala Gaz neighborhood of the Gereshk district of Helmand province, according to the Taliban Director of Information and Culture in Helmand.
Officials say that the two young children, four and six, died as a result of the explosion of the explosive while they were playing with the hand grenade.
Previously, an 11-year-old child inadvertently killed his 10-year-old friend in mid-August in the Faryab province of northern Afghanistan when they were using a Kalashnikov rifle to play.
At least two children were killed by a war relic, an unexploded mortar shell, which detonated on Monday, July 25 in the province of Uruzgan in the center of Afghanistan.
According to the Taliban State Minister for Disaster Management, about 606 square kilometers of the Afghan territory are contaminated by mines and explosives.
An official from the State Ministry for Disaster Management and Humanitarian Affairs said at a celebration commemorating the International Day for Mine Awareness and Mine Action that “Landmines and explosive relics of war kill or maim more than 120 Afghans every month.”
Numerous Afghans have died, been rendered disabled, and lost limbs as a result of the four decades of conflict in their country; nonetheless, the aftereffects of war, the unexploded remnants, still claim lives, particularly those of Afghan children.