Israeli genocide continues in Gaza

FP Report

GAZA:The bereaved father Ahmad Al-Jamal bids a final farewell for his son, Bassam, who was killed in an Israeli airstrike which targeted a civilian house in the Al-Jeneina neighborhood in Rafah, south of the Gaza Strip.
Meanwhile, “Yes, we set fire to houses. As much as possible. And we are proud of it.” said Director General of the Religious Zionism party, Yehuda Vald, who also participated in the invasion of Gaza, affirms an Israeli article that reveals Israeli generals commanding soldiers to burn down Palestinian houses in Gaza.
Also, A chilling scene documented by the Euro-Med Monitor depicts the execution of a Palestinian civilian who was searching for food near Palestine Stadium in Gaza.

He, like many others, was shot by Israeli snipers stationed on rooftops who target civilians every day, while also preventing ambulances from accessing the wounded.