F.P. Report
NEW YORK : At the United Nations, Pakistan has one again raised the issue of India’s financing and sponsoring of terrorist groups, especially TTP and BLA to conduct attacks in an attempt to disrupt the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor.
Speaking at a debate on ‘Culture of Peace’ in New York, Pakistan’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations Ambassador Munir Akram said India’s extra-territorial state terrorism is not limited to Pakistan only and the President of UN General Assembly and Secretary General have also been informed in this regard.
The ambassador called for an end to harsh suppression of Muslims and Christians in India which has become systematic since the BJP-RSS government assumed office in 2014 and fueled the ideology of Hindutva.
He said violence and conflict in south Asia will remain a danger unless Hindutva fascism is opposed, impunity of BJP-RSS is ended and Kashmir dispute is peacefully resolved.
Munir Akram urged the UN Secretary-General to implement Plan of Action for protection of religious sites in India as the country’s rich Islamic heritage is being eliminated and history books are being re-written to remove any reference to India’s Muslims rulers.
Munir Akram said the situation in Indian occupied Jammu and Kashmir will never be ‘normal’ until the Kashmiris are allowed to exercise their right to self-determination under the auspices of UN as per the Security Council resolutions.