F.P Report
MOSCOW: Russia finalized trials for Okhotnik combat module for Taifuk-K armored vehicles after up-gradation. The Elektromachina NPO (a subsidiary of Uralvagonzavod, UVZ) on Tuesday has successfully finalized the trials of the Okhotnik combat module for Taifun-K armored vehicles, equipped with the 6P49 machine gun, UVZ has stated.
Additionally while giving out more details Elektromachina Deputy Chief Designer for Control Systems Sergei Abramov commented that “The new machine gun, developed at the Degtyaroyov Plant, significantly improves the combat module’s characteristics, raising our product’s competitiveness and putting it on par with the world leaders. The plant carried out the improvement of the combat module on its own initiative.”
Its main weapons are stabilized in two planes, making it probable to hit moving targets at over 1,000 meters.
It is prepared with a television camera with identification range of up to 5,000 meters, a thermal vision device with identification range of 2,500 meters and a laser distance meter.
Abranov also underlined that “We will ship a batch of Okhotnik combat modules for Taifun-Ks with the new machine gun shortly. The modules for the Navy and other special vehicles will be shipped in the new modification as well.”
The company says that the Okhotnik module recently passed trials in Nizhny Tagil.” We expected the increase in accuracy when using the new machine gun and the firing trials confirmed it. The hit efficiency increased by 20-30% and its naval version is called Narval.”
It should be noted that the Okhotnik (Narval) is one of the most modern remotely controlled combat modules, developed in Russia.
According to Abramov, the machine gun producer obtained serial production permission in November 2020.