Mullah Zaeef’s house not besieged: Ministry

Monitoring Desk

KABUL: Rejecting reports about the besieging of Mullah Zaeef’s house, the interior ministry on Sunday announced that the security forces had raided the house of an alleged land grabber in Kabul. Talking to Afghan Islamic Press (AIP), acting spokesman for interior ministry Nusrat Rahimi said the security forces raided the house of an alleged land grabber Mullah Toti in Bagrami district.

Some weapons and other military equipment were recovered from the house of Mullah Toti, he said.

However, he did not clarify whether or not Mullah Toti was arrested in the offensive.

It is pertinent to mention here that the police had arrested a brother of Mullah Toti, Muhammad Daud some time ago. Some weapons were also recovered from his possession. He is still behind the bars.

The house of Mullah Abdul Salaam Zaeef is located near the home of Mullah Toti. It was believed that the security forces had besieged the house of Mullah Zaeef. However, Nusrat Rahimi said that reports about operation on the house of Mullah Zaeef were false.

Earlier, the sons of Mullah Abdul Salam Zaeef wrote on Facebook that the security forces had besieged their house. However, their father was completely safe as the security forces did not enter the house, they said.

Abdul Salam Zaeef was Afghan ambassador to Islamabad during the government of Taliban in Afghanistan. After the fall of Taliban regime, the government of Pakistan arrested him. Later, they handed him over to the U.S.

After some time in Guantanamo Bay prison, he was set free. He played his role in the efforts for restoration of peace. He paid multiple visits to Qatar. (AIP)