Opp enjoying sumptuous feast with looted money: Sumsam

F.P. Report

LAHORE: Punjab Information Minister Syed Sumsam Ali Bukhari has said that sumptuous feasts were being enjoyed by the opposition parties at the expense of looted national exchequer.

In a statement issued here on Monday, he said that no one would be allowed to increasing political temperature in the country, adding that the opposition leaders were making futile attempts to cover up their corruption. “Who should be held accountable for the last ten years’ pathetic performance,” asked the minister. He said the opposition parties were in distress over announcement of constitution of a commission to probe rising debts. Sumsam Bukhari said Prime Minister Imran Khan would not back out of his promise to eradicate corruption. No one could save the PML-N and PPP corrupt politicians. People know why Maulana Fazlur Rehman is performing the so-called noble deed, he added. The information minister said that opposition parties were only fighting a political war to save their looted money. He said that those raising hue and cry should account for Rs24,000 billion foreign loans. The previous governments are responsible for plunging the country into deep crises, he added.

The minister said the PTI government would take every step to ensure economic stability in the country and bring about progress and prosperity across the country.