
PM calls for enhancing Pak-Tajik trade, ties

DUSHANBE (APP): Prime Minister Muhammad Shehbaz Sharif on Tuesday stressed upon expansion of bilateral trade between Pakistan and Tajikistan as the current volume did not reflect the current level of brotherly relationship between the two countries.

Addressing a presser along with President of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon, the prime minister said that today, they had signed a number of MoUs which would be very helpful in furthering their bilateral ties. The prime minister especially mentioned the agreement over strategic partnership. “These agreements will go a long way in furthering our brotherly ties and of course, expanding our scope of cooperation in the coming days,” he added.

Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif also assured Tajik president that he would work closely with him to further cement the brotherly ties not only in fields of agriculture, education, health and promotion of investment but also in expansion of bilateral trade. He underlined that the both countries required to work closely and fix targets as how to increase their bilateral trade and investment, citing transportation of goods from port of Karachi to Tajikistan via Afghanistan and then from Dushanbe to Karachi port via Afghanistan through a rail-road connectivity project.

The prime minister termed this existing opportunity as ‘an area of huge economic importance for both countries’. The prime minister apprised that he had very fruitful and productive one-on-one meeting with the Tajik president, besides holding delegation level meetings in which they discussed to explore trade and investment opportunities. He said Pakistan would be keen to be a part of China, Tajikistan and Afghanistan trade corridor project, adding ‘it would be another opportunity to broaden the multilateral trade’ in the region.

He also expressed the confidence that the CASA 1000, would be completed next year bringing prosperity in this region. Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif also referred to another MoU pertaining to relaxation of visas requirements and said that it would be very helpful for both countries in further achieving their goals.

The prime minister said the two brotherly countries had been the victims of terrorism; Pakistan faced this menace for years and paid a huge price in terms of human lives and of course, suffered from colossal economic losses to the tune of billions of dollars. Thousands of people from all walks of life laid down their lives to defeat the menace of terrorism, he said, adding the armed forces of Pakistan had been fighting this menace and its officers and Jawans gave huge sacrifices in the line of duty, besides police and other law enforcement agencies personnel also rendered huge sacrifices.

Terming it ‘a story of huge sacrifices’, the prime minister regretted that unfortunately, it had resurged but it would be suffice to say that they had absolutely resolved to defeat this menace again with collective efforts. The prime minister also offered cooperation to Tajikistan in this regard and said the two countries could fight this menace collectively wherever it existed and in any shape.

Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif reiterated that peace was imperative for progress and prosperity of the region as it was directly linked with the development of the region. The prime minister said today, the world was facing different challenges, the war in Ukraine, and genocide in Gaza in which almost 40,000 Palestinians had lost their lives including children and mothers had been martyred. “It is genocide”, he said, adding that the mankind had not seen such scale of destruction in the recent times.

The prime minister said Pakistan had condemned this genocide in the strongest terms. The prime minister said that Pakistan had raised voice for the support of people of Palestine and maintained that unless their due rights were recognized including the right to freedom as citizens of free Palestine state, permanent peace could not be achieved in the region.

Pakistan also deeply condemned what was happening in the Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK), he said and reiterated that durable peace could not happen without just solution to the Kashmir issue in line with the aspirations of the Kashmiri people and the implementation of resolutions of the United Nations Security Council in this regard. He also thanked the Tajik president for the warm welcome accorded to him and his delegation and reiterated an invitation to him to visit Pakistan.

Meanwhile, the Prime Minister Muhammad Shehbaz Sharif and President of the Republic of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon expressed satisfaction on the existing fraternal ties and reaffirmed to continue their joint efforts to further strengthen Pakistan-Tajikistan ties.

The two leaders reaffirmed their commitment to deepen the existing fraternal ties between the two countries which were based on a shared history, culture, geographical contiguity and common faith. On the bilateral front, the two leaders discussed the entire range of bilateral cooperation between Pakistan and Tajikistan, including trade and economy, investment, connectivity, culture, education, science & technology, defence, humanitarian assistance, parliamentary exchanges, and people-to-people contacts.

The prime minister who is on a two-day official visit to Tajikistan on the invitation of the president of Tajikistan, met the Tajik president.

Earlier, the official welcoming ceremony was held at Qasr e Millat. Upon arrival at Qasr e Millat, the president of Tajikistan received the prime minister, and he was given a guard of honour. The welcome ceremony was followed by a tete-a-tete meeting and delegation level talks, PM Office Media Wing said in a press release. During the talks, the two leaders exchanged views on a wide range of issues of bilateral cooperation, as well as regional and international issues of mutual interest.

The two leaders signed the ‘Strategic Partnership Agreement’, which upgrades bilateral relations to the level of a long-term strategic partnership. The two leaders underlined that the upgradation in bilateral relations would open new vistas of opportunities to further expand multifaceted cooperation. To further deepen and diversify bilateral relations, the two sides signed a number of Agreements/MoUs in the fields of aviation, diplomacy, education, sports, people to people linkages, industrial cooperation, tourism, etc.

The prime minister also apprised the President of Tajikistan about deteriorating situation of human rights in Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu & Kashmir (IIOJK) and attempts of the Indian government to change the demographic structure of IIOJK. Both leaders also expressed their serious concern over the ongoing situation in Gaza where Israeli atrocities have resulted in the killing of thousands of innocent Palestinians, including women and children.

The two leaders urged the international community to redouble efforts to end the violence and bring peace in the region. “The visit of the prime minister has reinforced the continuation of regular bilateral engagements at the highest-level and marks a significant step towards elevating the longstanding and multifaceted relationship between the two brotherly countries, to the next-level,” the press release added.

Earlier in the day, upon arrival at Dushanbe International Airport, Prime Minister of Tajikistan Qohir Rasulzoda warmly received the prime minister. In a gesture of respect and solidarity, Prime Minister Muhammad Shehbaz Sharif laid a floral wreath at the Ismoili Somoni Statue, the national monument of Tajikistan.

PM lays wreath at Ismail Somoni monument: Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif laid a wreath at the monument of Tajikistan’s national hero Ismail Somoni, short after his arrival for a two-day visit here.

Ismail Somoni is regarded as the historic figure of Central Asia and a hero of Tajikistan, who ruled Tajikistan and Khorasan region in 9th and 10th century, and brought about immense development to the Tajik nation. Earlier, as the prime minister arrived at the Dushanbe airport, he was received by Tajik Prime Minister Kokhir Rasulzoda, Energy Minister Daler Juma, Deputy Foreign Minister Farrukh Sharifzoda, Tajik Ambassador in Islamabad Yousuf Sharifzoda and Pakistan’s Ambassador in Dushanbe Saeed Sarwar and senior diplomatic officers.

The prime minister is accompanied by a delegation comprising Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Muhammad Ishaq Dar, Defence Minister Khawaja Muhammad Asif, Information and Broadcasting Minister Attaullah Tarar and Special Assistant to the PM Tariq Fatemi.