Pakistan demands India to reverse its illegal actions of Aug 5, 2019 in IIOJK: FO

Muhammad Asad

ISLAMABAD: India must reverse its illegal actions of August 5, 2019 and after that in Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK) including illegal military siege of the valley, issuance of domicile to Hindus of other Indian territories, Remove Restrictions on movements, Communication and end draconian laws of granting exemption to Indian Occupied Forces in the valley. It was observed by the Spokesperson Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Pakistan Mr. Zahid Hafeez Chaudhry during weekly press briefing in Islamabad on Thursday.
According to Zahid Hafeez Chaudhry, the international community must play its role in ending Human Rights Violations and inhuman treatment of Kashmiri people on the hands of Indian Occupied Forces in the Indian Occupied territory of IIOJK.
While responding to media query regarding recent meeting of Taliban delegation with Chinese Foreign Minister, Mr. Chaudhry said that Pakistan has always maintained that there is no military solution of Afghan dispute and China can play the role of an enabler in the Afghan Peace process.
Both Pakistan and China support the Afghan owned and Afghan led peace process for a peaceful and negotiated political settlement in the country, added Mr. Chaudhry during the briefing. He observed that at time all stakeholders must utilized all energies for the political settlement of the Afghan dispute.
While answering a query regarding provision of arms and ammunition to Afghan government Forces by Indian Air Force Cargo plane, Mr. Zahid Hafeez Chaudhry said that India had always played the role of spoiler in the Afghanistan peace process and Pakistan had warned the International community and Afghan parties about the internal and external spoilers of the Afghan Peace Process during the past.
While responding to a query regarding kidnaping case of Afghan Ambassador’s daughter Silsila Ali khail, Chaudhry said that Pakistan wants that the ongoing investigations of the kidnapping case of Ms. Silsila Ali khail must reach to its logical conclusion and Pakistan needs assistance of Afghan Ambassador’s family in this regard. Government of Pakistan had approached to Afghan Embassy for requisite help and still waiting for their response.
Spokesperson further informed the media that Pakistan did not recall his envoy from Kabul and Pakistan Ambassador to Afghanistan is in Islamabad for a periodic consultation and Eid holidays. Chaudhry further said that Pakistan has no intentions to recall its envoy from Afghanistan at this critical movement of Afghanistan peace process. While commenting on Saudi Foreign Minister visit to Pakistan, Chaudhry said that Foreign Minister Faisal bin Farhan Al-Saud visit to Pakistan was in connection with the recent visit of Prime Minister Imran Khan to KSA, to move forward on the agreements signed by the two countries during the visit. He further said that this visit also has significance for the future visit of Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman Al-Saud to Pakistan.
While answering a query regarding use of Israeli espionage software Pegasus by India against Pakistan, Chaudhry said that Pakistan had formed an inter-agency committee to investigate into the matter and Pakistan would raise this issue at all international forums including UNO.