Palestine issue, US role in two-state solution

The Israeli Police attacked Palestinian worshipers in Al-Aqsa Mosque in East Jerusalem and arrested over 350 people during the raid in the wee hours of Wednesday. The incident sparked protests across the occupied West Bank and attracted worldwide condemnation from the global community and Muslims across the world. The Israeli Police claimed to arrest over 350 individuals that allegedly barricaded themselves inside the mosque and were suspected of desecrating the mosque complex. Meanwhile, the Spokesperson for Palestinian authority denounced the vicious act of Israeli Forces and warned the occupation regime against crossing red lines at holy sites, which will lead to a big explosion.

The Israeli-occupier regime has ramped up its anti-Muslim and anti-Palestinian campaigns by violating the sanctity of Muslim sacred places in East Jeruselum and regularly unleashing fresh Police crackdowns and Military incursions against unarmed civilians in the west bank and Gaza Strip. The Israeli-occupier regime often causes violence and bloodshed during the holy month of Ramazan in its laid-down pattern. Similarly, the Jewish government intentionally creates violence at the Al-Aqsa mosque to debilitate the religious sentiments of Muslims across the globe while the use of force agaisnt innocent worshipers on the accusation of incarceration of the holy mosque is a joke of Jewish Police that must be denounced by the global community which commonly witnesses the desecration and abuse of Muslim holy sites on the hand of occupying forces in Palestine.

The situation in Israeli-occupied territories and the so-called Palestinian self-ruled open penitentiary regions of Gaza and the west bank is very serious because innocent Palestinians are not safe in their own homes in those open prisons. The Israeli military troops are accustomed to invading Palestinians’ homes through tanks and heavy bulldozers, razing their residential complexes, and kidnapped innocent Palestinian men, women, and children without any reason, while Israeli fighter jets usually carry out strikes in Gaza, West Bank, Lebanon, Syria, and Libya to target Palestinian freedom fighters mostly affiliated with Hamas or Islamic Jihad as the PLO resistance has now largely limited to verbal condemnation and press statements only.

Historically, the UN-sponsored two-state solution is the only viable formula that is globally accepted and guarantees equal prospects for the peaceful coexistence of an independent Muslim Palestine and Israel side by side. The people of Palestine and the entire Muslim world demand the creation of a viable, independent, and contiguous Palestinian State, with pre-1967 borders, and Al-Quds Al-Sharif as its capital, that totally coincides with the UN’s resolutions but Jewish hegemonism is the only hurdle in this regard. However, the UN failed to peacefully resolve the Palestine dispute because of no cooperation from Tel Aviv and the biased role of the Western powers particularly the United States.

In fact, the United States’ unlimited material, political and diplomatic support for Israel encouraged the Jewish regnant and played an instrumental role in complicating the Palestine dispute over the past decades. Although President Biden is a vocal supporter of the two-state solution, however, a powerful Jewish lobby has always resisted the Biden administration from playing any decisive role in this regard. Presently, the humanitarian situation in the occupied territory is dire and the entire world looks toward the United States to pause its policy of favoritism and resort to a ruled-based global role of a peace broker and mediator. As the unilateral support of Israel has currently pushed Washington out of the Middle East region while longstanding American foes are enjoying the confidence of the regional nations. The urgency of the situation merits that President Biden personally take interest in the Palestine dispute by fulfilling his promise to his voters and the global community at large. That will not only restore Washington’s traditional role in the region but will offer an opportunity for a peaceful settlement of the decades-long Palestine dispute. However, the time would illustrate the wisdom and legacy of the top American in the coming days.