Prime Minister Imran Khan said it was his prime goal to make Pakistan a great nation by making the corrupt and powerful mafia accountable before law. The Prime Minister observed it during a live telephonic call session titled “Aap ka Wazir-e-Azam, Aap ke Sath” with the general public on Tuesday. While live responding to public questions, Prime Minister vowed to uphold the supremacy of law and justice to make Pakistan great. While answering public calls Prime Minister claimed to transformed land laws in KPK and Islamabad, pledged to punish those who were involved in the price hike of sugar. Prime Minister observed that appointment of Shaukat Tarin as finance minister aimed at controlling inflation in the country. He said the government was firm to ensure socio-economic justice in the country.
In fact, the cause of popularity of Pakistan-e-Tahreek Insaf among the masses was its fascinating agenda based on combating corruption, accountability, rule of law and merit and end of elite rule in the country. As far as, PTI was in the opposition it successfully maintained its popularity based on luring the public in to dreams of future PTI era and gross criticism of the previous governments. However, Now, three years had gone that PTI is ruling the country and it has eight years in office in KPK. If one wants to judge the PTI performance and popularity among masses after three years of governance, the results of recent by elections are a clear depiction of its performance and Service delivery to the public.
During live interaction with public, Prime Minister mentioned the report of FACTI Panel of the United Nations that revealed the illegal transfer of some $ 1,000 billion from poor to rich countries annually. However, the public is eager to know that being three years in the government how much money had been pulled back from rich countries to Pakistan or any effort made by the government so far including recovery of black money from corrupt politicians and bureaucrats as Mr. Khan had been claiming during the past. The answer would be in negative or zero. The inability of the government to curb rising inflation and mega scandals including sugar, wheat, flour, petrol, and LNG, land grabbing are the real reasons of PTI failure to maintain its roots deep into the public. During PTI era, the masses had decreased the nutrition of their children and hand off their ever-rising healthcare charges. The PTI’s narrative of accountability and transparency has weaken while being in the government.
Prime Minister discussed the sugar mafia and said that if it increase the sugar price by one rupee per kilogram it extorted Rs 5 billion from the pockets of masses, so Prime Minister himself imagines that during his tenure Sugar price went up from Rs. 60 to over Rs. 100 per Kg and what would be the ratio of the extortion during last three years. Similarly, Prime Minister’s claim regarding accountability of his party leaders including Jahangir Tarin is also mismatching the facts vis a vis claim by him. However, while coming to performance of PTI in the government it would be right enough to say that Prime Minister and his team has two years left and they must prove their words in true spirit instead of beating the drum.