PTI challenged corrupt system and brought visible change: CM

F.P. Report

Peshawar: Chief Minister Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Mahmood Khan said that people voted Imran Khan for the agenda of change because they were totally disappointed from the corrupt system of the past.

Access to justice was not possible in the old corrupt system of governance and the people were deprived from their rights. PTI challenged this corrupt system and brought about visible change in each and every field and sector of governance in accordance with the expectations of general public.

He regretted that corrupt rulers of past were pointing accusing finger at the leadership of PTI and its initiatives for public welfare. “The corrupt elements were uncertain about their future because PTI’s popularity”, he added.

These views he expressed while addressing PTI joining delegation and people here at Chief Minister House Peshawar.

A prominent leader of Awami National Party Nisar Khan along with his family and friends announced quitting ANP and joining PTI. The Chief Minister welcomed the new comers to the fold of PTI and congratulated them and termed their decision as the right one. He said that people are joining PTI because they understand that PTI is the only representative political party of common people.

The people know as to how corrupt rulers destroyed the public sector institutions in the past. The whole system of governance was protecting of the interests of corrupt rulers and elite. In such worst condition, the PTI raised the slogan of change that was supported by people at large scale throughout the country.

The Chief Minister said that now the scenario has changed completely due to the unparallel and integrated struggle of PTI leadership and its team. People are satisfied because their future is safe in the hands of PTI.

On the other hand, he said that the enemy of change the corrupt rulers were afraid of their future and criticizing our initiatives for change. He said the people have rejected their self centric politics in the previous elections. They have no future in the new fair system of Pakistan.

The Chief Minister said that the PTI brought visible change in public sector institutions and introduced the system of merit and justice. The erstwhile FATA has also been merged in the province. He said that keeping these measures in mind we assure that  our near future is very bright and prosperous.

He also assured that development of backward and other marginalized areas are the special priority of his government. He said that the PTI workers and supporters are our real asset. The youth, particularly played an active role in PTI’s win in the previous elections.

The Chief Minister said that he always worked for the PTI and will continue to be part of the change. He said that the prosperity of common people is the agenda of PTI.

His government was working to completely root out the past corrupt practices inside the institutions and pave the way for development. We are committed to overcome the challenges both at provincial and national levels. We have a complete strategy and will struggle to resolve all these problems and will go towards prosperity and development in near future.

We are collectively approaching towards our goals and targets. This was the reason that despite of ruling more than five years, the people were still supporting and joining PTI with great zeal and enthusiasm, he concluded.