PTI leaders warned of action

ISLAMABAD (INP): Law enforcement agencies across the country have decided to launch a crackdown against Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) leaders and workers as they prepare to resume their long march from Wazirabad and head towards the federal capital to record their protest while allegedly spreading anarchy.
Sources said that law enforcement agencies, in meeting late on Sunday night, decided to arrest PTI leaders including Parvez Khattak, Sheikh Rashid Shafiq, Amir Kayani, Ali Amin Gandapur, and Aamir Dogar and others. Apart from arrests, the law enforcing agencies are mulling plans to blocking roads leading to and from the Islamabad International Airport. Rangers, FC, and Police will patrol to Islamabad Airport.
Meanwhile, the Islamabad Police have warned PTI protesters that action will be taken against those who fail to protest peacefully in the federal capital without due permission of the city’s administration. In a statement issued by a police spokesperson, political leaders who are nominated in various cases will be arrested upon identification.
The spokesperson also requested the political leaders to protest at the designated spots after securing due permission from the city’s administration. The public has been requested to report any suspicious activity to the police helpline of 15.