Russian-Serbian pilot training begins in Serbia

MOSCOW (TASS): The Bars-2021 Russian-Serbian tactical flight exercise has begun in Serbia. This was reported to journalists on Monday at the RF Ministry of Defense.

“During the exercise, the flight personnel of the two countries will work out combat maneuvering and air combat as part of a pair, performing low-speed attacks on MiG-29 fighters, landing and evacuating those in distress, complex aerobatics, combat use and other missions as intended on Mi-8 helicopters and Mi-35 “, – said in the military department.

The ministry said that joint crews of the two countries on MiG-29 aircraft and Mi-8 and Mi-35 helicopters are taking part in the exercises. “They will involve about 10 units of aviation equipment of the Air Force and Air Defense Forces of Serbia from the airfields of Batainitsa and Ladjevtsi,” the Defense Ministry said.

The exercises will last until October 16.

The military department said that for the most effective interaction as part of the crews, the Russian pilots had previously studied aviation terminology and phraseology of radio exchange in Serbian.