Siraj demands provision of gas facility

Shafiuddin Shafqi

KARAK: The central Chief of Jamaat-i-Islami and Senator Sirajul Haq has demanded to appoint Dr Abdul Qadeer as interim Prime Minister to hold free, fair and transparent elections in the country and resolved that his party was struggling for the establishment of true system of Khulfai-e-Rashadain in the country.

He was addressing to a public gathering in Shuhada Park Takht-e-Nusrati district Karak here on Sunday. He added that when Chief Justice of Pakistan making verdicts in the court according to the supreme law of Quran and Sunnah then you should consider that there was a true system of Islam in the country.

He added that several ministers of the incumbent government were unaware about the basic teachings of Islam and they could not speak by heart even the verses of Sura Akhlas then how could the people expect from them the implementation of Islamic teachings in the country.

The JI Chief alleged that their rulers were unaware about the teachings of Islam, therefore, they have become the stooges of the USA. Mr Haq congratulated the China President on his election for second term and expressed goodwill gesture for him.

He said that the parliamentarians of JI have not been sold out in the recent Senate election and added that his party always discouraged the culture of horse trading in the country.

He claimed that the country needed such a poise leadership to put the country on the path of development in true sense and added that this leadership could provide only his party as implementation of true Islamic system in Pakistan was the mission of JI.

He claimed that politics was a holy practice but it has been made a business in the country and added that the people would get the fruits of politics only when it was practiced on true Islamic lines. While unveiling their election manifesto, Sirajul Haq claimed that they would give special allowance to the elder citizens of the country and the major diseases like cancer etc. would be treated free of cost in the hospitals.

The JI Chief further claimed that free of cast ration including Ghee, Sugar and other food stuffs would be provided to the poor segment of the society.

He claimed that district Karak was producing minerals like oil and gas and Uranium and demanded that with the exploration of Uranium cancer disease has been on rise in the district, therefore, a cancer hospital should be established in the district.

He also demanded the provision of gas facility to the people of district Karak on priority basis to resolve their basic demand. On the occasion the provincial chief of JI Mushtaq Ahmad Khan, district President Maulana Tasleem Iqbal and PK-86 candidate of JI Rehmatullah also spoke to the gathering.