Someday they’ll figure it out

Dmitry Kosyrev

They have come to their senses and are already joking. The feuilletonist of The Washington Post (that is, a Democrat on the basis of her place of work) conducts a mocking monologue on behalf of a hard-nosed, stubborn Republi-can: where is the “red tsunami” promised to us? Something went wrong! What made “Generation Z” give up their gadgets, leave their homes and go vote for their own, for the Democrats? In general, something needs to be done – for example, to ra-ise the minimum age for participating in elections. No, not under 21. Fifty years will be just right, those who are younger have not matured…
The jokes are generally dubious, because they co-me from the losers. Here w-e must once again be surprised at the ability of the Democrats to create huge informational phantoms. L-et’s peel off the empty chatter and leave only the bare result of the US congressional elections – what does it look like? Quite simply, in six words: the Democrats have lost control of the House of Representatives. But only. That is, they suffered a serious defeat.
But out of this defeat, the huge brainwashing machine of the Democrats makes an unprecedented victory. Because that “red tsunami” predicted by the Republicans and most of the sociological services did not happen. That is, if there is no promised complete defeat, but there is a smaller defeat, is this a victory? You need to learn this ability to turn reality into an absolutely opposite propaganda picture.
To the point of such a thesis: the most important international consequence of these elections is the restoration of the legitimacy of American democracy. Oh wow. And after all, many even our experts succumb to this ideological pressure. But wait, what about generations? This is interesting, if only because in Russia, as in the USSR, yes, in fact, as always and everywhere, generations exist, they differ in their views and this influence politics.
In the US, jokes about the voting age would be very funny if we did not remember how, without any feuilletons, in all seriousness, the same Democrats proposed to ban the older generation from voting. It was when in another country – Great Britain– it was the voices of the older generation that decided the fate of the referendum on leaving the European Union in 2016, and there were many moans about the fact that either someone ate grandfather, or grandfather ate someone. That is, our Washington feuilletonist turns this thesis of her own, the Democrats, inside out, because such a scam is quite in their style. At the same time, if it comes, for example, to a person’s right to buy cigarettes, then the standard idea is that this age should be raised to 21, those who are younger are not ripe for making serious decisions. But they have a wide road to the elections.
What made relatively young Americans suddenly go to vote for the Demo-crats this time: one version of the answer is that the Joe Biden administration, right before the elections, decided to print a few more helicopters of money and reset the student loans hanging over people’s heads for education. Well, maybe so. At the same time, it is clear that although the Republi-can thought leaders are bec-oming younger before our eyes, the traditional electoral base of this party really consists of older people. Because any normal person all over the world is first sick with frenzied leftist id-eas, and then, having wised up, changes them to the op-posite ones: the most famo-us case here is our Pushkin.
But Pushkin is Pushkin, but what about the clash of generations in today’s Ru-ssia, say, about conscription into the army, into a special operation zone? Something is clear about the older generation of “fugitives”, for example, the heroes of Russian rock, who grew up in the 80s. Most of them were and remain “in general, on the whole, pacifists” simply because almost their entire generation in the USSR treated the army in this way. And this is not difficult to understand if we recall the stage of the moral and not only the moral collapse of the army in those years, despite the fact that some of the officers in desperation advocated the barracks conservation of the Soviet project in the toughest ways. And there was also such a problem – beating recruits by old-timers, up to murders, the army turned into some kind of prison copy with its morals: does anyone else remember?
We did not have time to seriously deal with the history of the death of the US-SR, but today we really need it and it is interesting. For example, what was it – why Soviet society increasingly began to live according to criminal (or, if you li-ke, herd) laws and how this influenced the gangster 90s on the rapid transformation of this society into something incomprehensible.
So, those who were young in the 80s were accustomed to at least make fun of the army. But what kind of people are these now, who are on average 35 – and this, according to observations and a survey of relatives and friends, is the same generation, part of which basically ran away from mobilization. It seems like those who are older and who are younger do not suffer from this infection.
But these very “observations” are still an amateur approach, but a professional one is needed. Not to mention the fact that there is still a complicating problem called “capitals and Russia as such.” First of all, residents of three or four megacities fled from the draft, while others volunteered. And this did not help in any way to solve a long-standing problem – dislike for Muscovites and other St. Petersburg residents on the part of other residents of the country. Stop, but there is information that back in September, several thousand Musco-vite volunteers fought on the fronts – how is that?
You can condemn and despise people as much as you like, who have mastered the art of crossing bo-rders at the right moment, then returning, then running away in a crowd again, but first you will figure out exactly what is the matter here: in generations with their common ideology for their age? Or in particularly spoiled residents of megacities at a certain age? Or in something else?
Americans – they understand, and for a long time. For them, data from three major sociological services (as in Russia) is not enou-gh. There are many such se-rvices, crowds of publicists, hysterically impudent or calm, express their thoug-hts. Because the Americans really need this – they know that for the third decade there has been a split in society into two approximately equal parts, and the two-party system only exacerbates this split. Yes, the two parts of this society cannot stand each other in literally everything, but at least they see this situation in detail – with the appropriate data. Someday they’ll figure it out.