
Support of oppressed Kashmiris to continue: KP CM

F.P. Report
PESHAWAR: Caretaker Chief Minister Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Muhammad Azam Khan here Friday strongly condemned the Indian atrocities on Kashmiris. He reiterated the resolve to continue moral, political, and diplomatic support for Kasmiris, and said that people of Kashmir were not alone in this tough time, each and every Pakistani stood by them and we will continue to support their just struggle at every forum.
Talking to media persons on occasion of Kashmir black day rally here, the Chief Minister termed the 27th October, 1947 as the darkest day of Kashmir history, and remarked that for the last seven decades, India has gone allout and resorted to extreme cruelty to deprive the Kashmiri people of their right to self-determination.
He added that on August 5, 2019 India has started a new chapter of atrocities and tyranny by revoking special status of Kashmir. The chief minister stated that Kashimris had been facing severe lock down for the last few years which is the evidence of aggression and brutality of Indian government and a blatant violation of not only international laws but fundamental human rights as well.
Muhammad Azam Khan, called upon the international community especially United Nations and other Human Rights Organizations to take serious notice of fundamental human rights violations in Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu & Kashmir, and play their effective role to give the Kashmiris their right to self-determination so that they could decide their fate as per their desires and aspirations.
He made it clear that sustainable peace in the region was not possible without just and fair solution to the Kashmir issue. The chief minister also paid rich tribute to the struggle of Kashmiri people and reiterated the commitment to support them at every forum. The people of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa stood by the people of Kashmir and will continue to stand by them in future as well, he said.
Earlier, a rally to mark 27th October (Kashmir Black Day) was arranged which started from Chief Minister’s House and ended at Governor’s House. The rally was jointly led by the caretaker Chief Minister Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Muhammad Azam Khan and Governor Haji Ghulam Ali. Besides caretaker cabinet members, government functionaries, members of civil society, representative of All Parties Hurriyat Conference Azad Kashmir, people from different walks of life and a large number of students participated in the rally.
The participants of the rally strongly condemned Indian atrocities on innocent Kashmiris and expressed solidarity with the people of India Illegally occupied Jammu & Kashmir. They were carrying banners and placards inscribed with slogans against the barbarism and oppression of Indian forces on the innocent Kashmiris.
Earlier, the central protest rally led by KP Governor Haji Ghulam Ali and caretaker Chief Minister, Muhammad Azam Khan here Friday strongly condemned an illegal annexation of Indian illegally Occupied Jummu and Kashmir (IIOJK) by India on October 27, 1947. The rally attended by people of all walks of life was started from the Chief Minister Secretariat and culminated at Governor House Peshawar.
Besides others, the rally was also attended by the caretaker ministers, advisers, officials, civil society and students in large number. The participants holding placards and banners condemned state terrorism, human rights abuses and repression at IIOJK and expressed solidarity with the oppressed Kashmiris of the held valley.
The rally also condemned the illegal revoking of the special status of IIOJK by the fascist Modi regime on August 5, 2019 and human rights violations at the occupied territory. The rally urged united nations security council to implement its resolutions on Kashmir and press the Modi Govt to give right of self determination to Kashmiris as promised to them by UNO. The road to peace in South Asia was passing through Kashmir and resolution of this long lingering issue was must for lasting peace in the held valley.