Dan Stein
The Biden administration has created an unprecedented border crisis affecting our entire nation. This has galvanized public opposition, creating a united f-ront of state and local go-vernments, former immigration officials, and public interest groups dema-nding that the administration stop its sabotage of border and interior immigration enforcement.
Thankfully, Republican leadership has answered this growing chorus, releasing a border security framework for day one of the Republican-led House, assuming the GOP wins control in the November elections. The framework represents a comprehensive plan to bring our borders under control, end abuse of the asylum system, curb abuse of executive authority, and address the growing threats of fentanyl, crime and terrorism crossing our borders. The framework also categorically rejects the idea of amnesty for illegal aliens.
Barring an epic rebound from the Biden administration on numerous fronts over the next three months, it appears almost certain that voters will place the GOP in a position to make good on these promises. Republicans are likely to regain control of not only the House but possibly the Senate as well. For decades, Republican lawmakers talked a good game but legislated timidly when it came to border and interior enforcement. However, the recent GOP framework constitutes a written promissory note to the American public that will come due on Jan. 3, 2023.
House Republican leadership promises the legislation will be ready to go on the first day of the 118th Congress. It would include many obvious fixes to the border crisis. It would mandate completion of the border wall, which the Biden administration now concedes is both effective at controlling illegal immigration and essential to the Democratic Party’s efforts to save Sen. Mark Kelly’s Arizona seat.
The promised legislation would include measures that have proven to be effective at deterring illegal migration — deterrence being the most humane way of regaining control of lawlessness at the southern border. Reinstatement of Migrant Protection Protocols, an expansion of Title 42, reform of our asylum system, and imposition of mandatory E-Verify make it clear that crossing our borders illegally no longer will be rewarded with a bus or plane ticket to your preferred destination within the United States, as the Biden administration has been doing.
Equally as important, the framework pledges to rein in the Biden administratio-n’s exercise of what amou-nts to retroactive veto pow-er over immigration laws. Through President Biden’s executive orders and policy memoranda issued by Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, the administration essentially has nullified nearly every immigration statute signed into law by previous administrations, including many for which Biden voted during his decades in the Senate.
A Republican-controlled Congress — or House, at least — can’t force Biden to sign a border security bill he doesn’t like. But they would have the power to hold him and his political appointees accountable for their refusal to carry out immigration laws on the books, including impeachment of officials who do not uphold their sworn oaths of office.
No longer would Mayorkas be able to come before a Congressional committee and assert, under oath, that our borders are secure while a quarter-million people are breaching them every month. And, with the power of the purse, the 118th Congress could prevent funds designated for immigration enforcement from being co-opted for schemes such as handing illegal aliens newly-minted ID cards in lieu of statutorily mandated detention.
Until recently, both parties routinely promised to secure our borders and enforce immigration laws, only to forget those promises as soon as Election Day was in the rearview mirror. That is why our coalition and American voters will be there, come January, to make sure that the new congressional leadership makes good on its commitments.
Perhaps, ironically, the utter disaster wrought by the Biden administration’s handling of the border, and our immigration system overall, will finally give Republicans the political fortitude to act decisively. The American public has gotten a taste of what it’s like to live in a nation without borders and they don’t like it. It’s time to deliver for them.