F.P. Report
PESHAWAR: The Consul General of US Consulate at Peshawar, Mr. Shante Moore visited Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Board of Investment and Trade and held a meeting with Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Board/ Secretary Industries Syed Zulfiqar Ali Shah and Vice Chairman of the board, Engr. Said Mahmud Shah, said a press release issued here on Friday.
The Vice Chairman, KPBOIT welcomed the delegation while the CEO / Secretary briefed them on the aspects of investment and trade potential of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. The CEO / Secretary also highlighted that bilateral trade cooperation and relations between the United State of America and Pakistan may further be extended in different sectors of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.
He further explained the importance of regional connectivity and people to people exchange programs and providing different scholarships programs to the students of KP in the education sector. The delegation was also given a presentation by Director Business Facilitation, KPBOIT on the sustainable projects and highlighted sector wise projects in SEZs, Tourism, Energy & Power, Mines & Minerals, ITs, Agriculture, Pak-US Trade and other areas.
He also highlighted the huge potential for investment in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa including infrastructure projects in Public Private Partnership and how to enhance Pak-US trade with value additions to meet international standard in general and US standard in particular. In response, the Consul General applauded the efforts of KP-BOIT and pledged their supports and wider cooperation in various sectors of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.
The Consul General further explained the importance of regional connectivity and people to people exchange program and pledged to help by connecting Pak – American Diaspora to invest in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and to work on sister state or sister city with Peshawar. The Secretary assured the delegation full facilitation in terms of possible investment. On this occasion, the US diplomat also inaugurated the US Desk in KP-BOIT to further facilitate US trade and Investment in KP in areas of providing information and guidance. At the end, souvenir/traditional turban were also exchanged by both KP-BOIT and US Consulate General, Peshawar.