US-Hungary diplomatic row

Recently, the Hungarian foreign minister has accused the US ambassador to Budapest, David Pressman of interfering in Hungary’s internal affairs, meddling in Hungary’s judiciary, and pushing American colonialism. Hungarian Foreign Minister, Peter Szijjarto termed Pressman’s comments irrelevant and completely unacceptable to a sovereign nation like Hungary.

The United States of America and the right-wing Hungarian government of nationalist leader Viktor Orban are not on friendly terms since President Biden replaced Orban’s beloved friend Donald Trump in the White House. Later, the war in Ukraine became another reason for their mutual disagreement as Orban’s Hungary did not side with the US-led western coalition against Russia particularly Budapest actively opposed western sanctions against Moscow and called them poisonous and counter-productive for European Nations.

The US Ambassador to Hungary, David Pressman had criticized Budapest’s policy regarding the war in Ukraine and Orban’s pro-Moscow doctrine since his appointment in Budapest in August last year. Interestingly, American Envoy smartly denied Peter’s assertion with another intervention while saying that he does not consider Russia’s attempt to unilaterally redraw the borders of Europe as just a domestic political development in Hungary.

Historically, western diplomats particularly American envoys had been trying to dictate and lecture third-world nations in the past, and nearly a dozen western diplomats issued a joint communique to foreign governments including Turkey, Pakistan, and others in recent years. However, the liberal diplomat was disliked by the host nation long before his arrival in Budapest and confirmation hearing in the US Senate. According to the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations, foreign envoys represent their countries in the host nation and are used to protect their country’s interests and promote bilateral relations between the two nations. Diplomats enjoy various immunities but are not entitled to criticize the policies of the host governments, however powerful nations observe global laws on their territory but try to introduce their own creed in foreign countries. Such policies only survive in former colonies and banana republics, while independent nations vehemently dislike uncourteous diplomacy.