WhatsApp set to allow users to send file up to 2GB in size

Monitoring Desk

CALIFORNIA: Meta-owned WhatsApp is trying new things lately, like a beta test of message reactions and features to let users have better control over recording voice messages.

Not everyone gets a chance to work with such new tools, as most messaging and social platforms want to make sure they’ve got all the bugs worked out before a major app change rolls out to everyone. That’s the case with another new beta WhatsApp feature we just learned about, the ability to send media files as large as 2 GB.

According to WABetaInfo, sending larger files is in very limited beta at the moment, apparently only available to a selection of users. It’s compatible with WhatsApp beta for Android versions,, and as well as with iOS and represents a big bump up from the old limit of 100 MB.

Should WhatsApp’s new file limit roll out widely after testing, it might lead the way in prompting others to reconsider their own messaging file size limits.

Gmail, for example, limits files to 25 MB, and Twitter allows for a slightly more generous 1 GB. Electronics makers are turning out phones like the Samsung Galaxy S22 with high megapixel cameras, and those produce richly detailed large photos and videos.

If the media file transfer capacity stays relatively low, people will have to keep finding workarounds, like heavily editing or compressing what they send. Being able to send larger files over WhatsApp could help expand its user base.

We don’t know if this feature will roll out to more users or stick around at all — it’s still too new. But it sounds like an even more useful function than being able to react to messages with a thumbs-up, heart, or crying face emoji, so it makes sense to keep an eye out and see if it becomes available soon.

Download WhatsApp Plus 2022, these are the functions it offers

WhatsApp, the most widely used messaging application worldwide, has long had policies that do not allow users to use some functions within the platform. That is why during this time people have had to resort to other alternatives, whether it is using tricks within the same app, downloading external apps, and even resorting to other applications cloned from the official version of this messaging service, such is in case of whatsappplus.

This service is a modified copy of the version that most of us usually know, which contains several functions of official WhatsApp, and much more. However, its popularity has increased in recent weeks due to the new update of the version 14.10. That is why we now show you how to download it and what functions it includes.

How to download latest version of APK 14.10?

·         To download this version of WhatsApp Plus, you must first delete the original WhatsApp app and then follow these steps:

·         Download WhatsApp plus blue in this link https://whatsplus.org/en/download-whatsapp-plus/.

·         Activate the option to download apps from unknown sources from your cell phone settings.

·         Uninstall the official WhatsApp from your phone, as WhatsApp Plus is an alternative to the original WhatsApp.

·         Finally, start installing the latest version of WhatsApp Plus 2022.

In this new update of WhatsApp Plus 14.10 you can find the following functions:

·         You will have the option of ‘see once’, which allows you to download images and videos that are sent.

·         View all sent messages from a contact in a group.

·         The option of change the color of the point online.