Women march in protest against explosion

BAMYAN (Khaama Press): Women marched in protest against the Kaaj tragedy in Bamyan province in central Afghanistan after similar demonstrations in Kabul and Herat provinces.
The demonstrator women said that no one is safe in a place where “suicides and explosions” are mentioned with pride. They cite Kaaj’s attack as an egregious example of the genocide of Hazaras in Afghanistan.
A resolution stating that the Kaaj attack was a genocide against the Hazara people was adopted at the Bamyan province women’s march on Sunday.
According to the resolution of Bamyan women, the mass killing in Kaaj is an “egregious case of the atrocities and genocide committed against the Hazara people and is a continuation of a long string of prior terrorist attacks.”
The perpetrators of the genocide, according to Bamyan women, always claim responsibility from an unnamed location and misleadingly and mysteriously.
Protesters in Bamyan reason that because suicide and explosions are regarded as acts of “pride and honor” in a place, everyone’s life is in danger and no one is safe.
They inquired in their resolution whether there is a government in Afghanistan. Does this government have any responsibility for the lives of the citizens of this country? Is going to school for girls a crime?
After posing these queries, they called for the establishment of an inclusive government in Afghanistan and underscored the imperative to put an end to the suicide and bombing cultures that target innocent people.
The Hazara ethnic minority in Afghanistan has long been the target of terror attacks, which the rights organizations have long demanded an end.