Chairman NDMA calls on Punjab CM, discusses rehabilitation programmes

F.P. Report

LAHORE: Chairman National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) Lieutenant General Inam Haider Malik met with the Punjab Chief Minister Chaudhry Parvez Elahi at CM Office on Saturday.

Head of Punjab Ehsaas Programme Dr. Sania Nishtar participated via video link and gave a detailed briefing about the rehabilitation and aid programme of the flood affectees.

On the occasion, the CM said that the Punjab government was launching to undertake preventive measures in the wake of 7th Corona wave apprehension in Punjab. He added that a forewarning system to inform about floods, diseases and calamities would be installed, saying that early warning systems were being installed to provide prior indication of calamities at three places.

The CM maintained that the installation of early warning system would enable the concerned departments to take timely measures to save people, livestock, fields, properties etc from flood damages and destruction. He apprised that rehabilitation work of the flood-affected people was ongoing expeditiously in Punjab.

CM highlighted that the Punjab government disbursed aid among the flood affectees by its own resources and through the donations being collected by telethon. CM informed that more than five billion rupees were being distributed among the flood affectees and payments to 36 thousand affected families have been made, adding that financial assistance had also been provided to the flood affectees to build their own houses. CM underscored that the Punjab government had ensured settlement of the flood affectees by its own resources.

He revealed that construction work of more than 55 thousand complete and partially destroyed houses was ongoing, saying that he reached Rajanpur first of all when the flood arrived in Punjab and himself oversaw relief activities. He highlighted that the Punjab government allocated rupees one billion to help the flood affectees of Sindh.

CM intimated that special arrangements were being made for the facilitation of tourists in Murree and at other tourist places during rain and snowfall. CM outlined that screening of passengers coming from abroad and especially from China would be done. NDMA Chairman Lieutenant General Inam Haider Malik said that the rescue and relief plan of Punjab government during flood was laudable, adding that the Rescue 1122 institution performed highly appreciable and exemplary services during flood.

Lt. General Inam Haider stated that to make a forecast prior to 30, 40 days about natural calamities was possible with the help of the latest technology. He said “Climate change is adopting a permanent feature and we will have to make ourselves prepared to effectively cope up with its hazardous effects.”

Principal Secretary to CM Muhammad Khan Bhatti, Additional Chief Secretary (Home) Captain (Retd) Asad Ullah Khan, Caretaker Senior Member Board of Revenue Naveed Shirazi, DG Emergency Services Dr. Rizwan Naseer, DG PDMA and officials concerned were also present on the occasion. (APP)