
Conspiracies to bankrupt Pakistan thwarted: PM

F.P. Report

ISLAMABAD: Prime Minister Muhammad Shehbaz Sharif Wednesday said that conspiracies to bankrupt the country had been thwarted, steering it away from economic hardships towards stability.

Presiding over the meeting of the Pakistani Muslim League-Nawaz’s (PML-N) Parliamentary Party at the Parliament House, he said, “We have left behind the conspiracies of those who dreamed of bankrupting the country and guided it from economic hardships to stability.” The prime minister briefed the parliamentary party about the budgetary proposals.

He assured that maximum relief would be provided to the common man in the budget, with specific measures aimed at easing the burden of workers, farmers, and salaried people. He expressed gratitude to the party members and allies for their confidence in him and their full support of the government policies benefiting the common man and the country.

PM Shehbaz urged the parliamentarians to actively participate in the budget sessions, offering suggestions, and providing a robust and reasoned response to any falsehoods or propaganda regarding the budget. He stated, “History is witness to our efforts for rescuing Pakistan’s economy through prioritizing national interests. With the guidance of Allah Almighty and under the leadership of Muhammad Nawaz Sharif, we averted bankruptcy and default in the country.”

He said that a conspiratorial group posed a threat to the country’s security and undermined those who had sacrificed their lives for it. Prime Minister Shehbaz said that the Almighty entrusted him with serving Pakistan for the second time, expressing his determination to resolve the nation’s issues.

Resolving to meet everyone’s expectations, the prime minister lauded the trust of brotherly countries and investors in the government’s economic policies and increasing the foreign investment. He stressed the importance of untiring efforts for the country’s economic stability, and assured providing basic healthcare, higher education, and equal opportunities for development.

He said that providing employment to the talented workforce as well as ensuring education and training in the IT field for the youth were among the government’s priorities. Calling for efforts to empower women and dignified employment opportunities to them, the prime minister said that during his foreign visits, he called for attracting investments instead of seeking loans.

He said the environment of peace and political stability was inevitable for investment and that the nations always achieved success through hard work, dedication, and courage. He stressed the need to get aspiration from China and other developed nations to forge a bright future tailored for Pakistan’s specific conditions.

He commended his team for their efforts in achieving a significant reduction in inflation, leading to the stabilization of the rupee against the dollar and a bullish trend in the stock market. He expressed satisfaction over the initial positive outcomes resulting from the hard work of the government’s economic team.

During the meeting, Minister for Finance and Revenue Muhammad Aurangzeb provided a comprehensive briefing on the budget to the members. The members expressed complete confidence in the budget prepared by the government’s economic team, led by the Prime Minister Shehbaz. Federal ministers and parliamentarians affiliated with the Pakistan Muslim League-N attended the meeting.

PM orders building Health Tower in Islamabad to house hospitals, medical, nursing universities: Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif directed the authorities concerned to build a health tower of international standard in the federal capital to house hospitals, medical and nursing universities, modern laboratories, and diagnostics centers.

The prime minister, chairing a meeting to review the matters related to the Ministry of National Health Services, instructed to formulate a strategy to build the said tower through the public-private partnership. Highlighting the significant responsibilities of the health sector to save human lives, the prime minister expressed his concerns about the reported new polio cases in the country and resolved the elimination of the disease by utilising all-out- resources in collaboration with partners.

He also called for carrying out the third-party audit of the laboratories working under the purview of the Ministry of National Health Services, besides appointing well-qualified health professionals in the ministry and its allied departments. Vowing to personally monitor health-related matters, Prime Minister Shehbaz also ordered the third-party audit of the Drug Regulatory Authority of Pakistan and the formulation of a strategy to bifurcate the drug processing from the Authority.

Besides, he also instructed outsourcing the human resource of all government hospitals in Islamabad and their waste treatment plants, besides the audit of countrywide nursing schools and colleges. During the briefing, the prime minister was told that a National Blood Transfusion and Blood Products Policy would be introduced soon, and work on a nursing and midwifery policy framework was in the final stage.

It was told that an evening shift was being introduced in the nursing colleges to increase the number of graduates. Moreover, work on a revised National Action Plan 2025-30 has been started to control the population growth. As the prime minister was told about the installation of new health equipment worth Rs 711 million in Islamabad’s hospitals, he instructed the third-party audit of the purchase of the said equipment.

It was informed that a modern hospital management system would be installed in Islambad’s hospitals and that waste management plants were operating in the capital city’s five public and four private sector hospitals. The participants of the meeting were told that a strategy for insulin manufacturing in the country was being formulated.

The prime minister was also apprised of the plans to produce different types of vaccines in the country, building plasma fractionation centers and pharma park, and provision of machinery and equipment to Quetta’s tertiary care hospitals. It was told that a 50-bed hospital would be set up in Musakhel, a tertiary care and Teshil headquarters hospital in Azad Jammu and Kashmir, and an Institute of Medical Sciences and Daanish Hospital in Gilgit Baltistan. Federal ministers Ahsan Iqbal and Ahad Khan Cheema, PM’s Coordinators Malik Mukhtar Ahmed and Rana Ehsan Afzal, and relevant senior officers attended the meeting.