Governor persuades businessmen to follow energy saving formula

F.P. Report

PESHAWAR: Governor Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Haji Ghulam Ali has succeeded in persuading the traders and business community of the province to follow the federal government’s plan of energy saving and assured them that issues related to gas and power would be addressed on a priority basis.

The Governor told the traders and businessmen that all we have to do is add our share in pulling the country out of the current situation. Whenever, he said the country faced difficult times, the business community and traders led from the frontline to ease the situation.
The Governor was presiding over a meeting with traders and businessmen from the province in the Governors’ House here the other day.

The meeting beside others was attended by the senior business community leaders including President Sarhad Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Muhammad Ishaq, Malik Meher Ali, Sharafat Ali Mubarak and Haji Fazal Ilahi, former and present representatives from Peshawar Chamber, Tanzeem Tajraan, Markazi Tanzeem Tajraan, FPCCI and Gems Association.

Governor thanked the traders and businessmen for extending complete cooperation in fulfilling the government’s plan of power saving. He said he believed the traders and businessmen will close their businesses according to the schedule issued by the federal government to save energy.

Haji Ghulam Ali hoped that with the same zeal and passion of the traders’ community we would be able to bring the country out of the current situation. The Governor told the meeting that a representative committee would be formed to discuss the recommendations and suggestions presented by the businessmen with the federal government.

He said he was well aware of the current flour crises in the province and assured that he would contact the chief ministers of Punjab and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa to rectify the situation in the larger interest of the masses. He assured that he would play his role in lifting an unnecessary ban on transportation of flour from Punjab to Khyber Pakhtunkhwa very soon.

The senior Chamber leaders and traders expressed confidence in the leadership of the Governor and assured their complete cooperation in observing the government’s energy saving plan. However, presenting their suggestions, they demanded relaxation in the schedule of business closure from the month of March.

The businessmen also presented recommendations for overcoming the current flour crises, price hike situation, low gas pressure and man-created inflation. The businessmen and traders assured the Governor that they will follow the schedule of business closure at 08:00 p.m.

They said how seriously the Governor listened to the problems and issues of the traders’ community, they will also extend complete cooperation to the government in achieving the energy saving goal. The businessmen said Governor Haji Ghulam Ali was a true representative of the federal government and the entire business community was standing along with him to streamline the affairs of the province. (APP)