Hajj sermon: Muslims urged to forge unity

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MAKKAH: Sheikh Maher Al Muaiqly, an imam at the Grand Mosque in Makkah, delivered the Hajj sermon at Masjid-e-Nimra on Saturday, urging Ummah to forge unity and cohesion among their ranks.

Hundreds of thousands of Muslim pilgrims from around the world converged at Maidan-e-Arafat on Saturday to perform the Rukn-e-Azam of Hajj “Waqoof-e-Arafat” which marks climax of the Hajj.

Worshippers from all over the world climed the rocky, 70-metre (230-feet) hill, about 20 kilometres (12 miles) from Makkah, where the Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) given his last sermon.

The desert summer heat is expected to hit 43 degrees Celsius (109.4 degrees Fahrenheit), creating challenges especially among the elderly during a day of prayer.

While delivering the sermon at  Masjid-e-Nimra today, Imam Sheikh Dr. Maher Al Muaiqly called Muslims to forge unity, saying it would “surely lead to salvation of the Ummah in addition to averting any discords or divisions”.

“The combination of the testimony that only Allah is to be worshipped, along with the testimony that Muhammad (PBUH ) is Allah’s messenger.”

“Muslims should exhibit best of the manners as only those who will have good manners will be close to the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) on the day of judgment,” Imam Sheikh Dr. Maher said.

He said Allah has ordered Muslims to keep praying and paying zakat to the needy people.

Sheikh Maher Al Muaiqly testified that Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is Allah’s Messenger, sent as a mercy to all worlds. Allah commanded to follow the Prophet (PBUH), and those who follow Allah and His Messenger’s commands will succeed in this world and the hereafter.

“Alcohol and gambling are satanic acts,” he warned.

Imam-e-Kaaba also urged Muslims to especially remember Palestinians in their prayers.

He concluded by urging the public to respect each other’s rights, not to kill unjustly, and to make decisions with justice.

The Hajj is life goal for many Muslims, who are obligated to perform the pilgrimage at least once if they are financially and physically capable.

This year’s hajj takes place in the shadow of the Gaza war, after eight months of bloodshed that is an open wound for many in the Muslim world.

Key points from Arafah Khutbah by Sheikh Maher:

Shariah’s Objectives:

The Shariah aims to achieve and maximize benefits while preventing or minimizing harm. It prioritizes preventing harm over achieving benefits.

Flourishing Life:

The Shariah encompasses everything that promotes a flourishing life and development, and it prohibits causing harm to others.

Five essentials:

Islamic law emphasizes the importance of preserving the five essentials: religion, life, intellect, wealth, and honor. Any violation against them is considered a crime.

Individual responsibility:

Every believer must strive to protect these five essentials, which leads to the well-being of creation, societal stability, widespread security, and the ability for people to achieve their religious and worldly interests.

Purpose of Hajj:

Hajj is a manifestation of worship and devotion to Allah, not a place for political slogans or factions.

Greatness of Arafah:

Pilgrims, you are in a significant position at Arafah, where Allah boasts of you to His angels. It is a noble time and place where good deeds are multiplied, sins are forgiven, and ranks are elevated.

Prophet’s Practice:

The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) stood at Arafah to engage in remembrance and supplication.


Pilgrims should pray for themselves, their parents, and their loved ones. When one prays for their brother in their absence, an angel responds, “Ameen, and for you the same.”

Prayers for Palestine:

Pray for our brothers in Palestine who are suffering from harm and oppression by their enemy, shedding blood, causing destruction, and preventing them from accessing their needs.