IE adopts policies aligned with national interests

KABUL (BNA): In a meeting with several scholars, tribal elders from various provinces, and government officials, Mawlawi Abdul Kabir, the Deputy Prime Minister for Political Affairs, stated that the policies of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan are formulated and implemented based on national interests and the aspiration the people.

In these meetings, the scholars and tribal elders expressed their support for the stance of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan on regional and international issues, stating that the unified and clear position of the Islamic Emirate is beneficial for national interests.

They actively engaged in discussions, sharing valuable insights and recommendations on local governance, development strategies, and ways to enhance collaboration between the community and government agencies.

For his part, Deputy PM Kabir reiterated that the policies of the Islamic Emirate pf Afghanistan are formulated and aligned with the national interests and the desires of the people.

He also deemed the cooperation of the people crucial for establishing a stable and advancing system, emphasizing that the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan highly values the advice of its people. At the conclusion of the meeting, Deputy PM Kabir issued crucial directives to ensure more effective task execution by relevant authorities.