PBS: Weekly inflation continues to increase

F.P. Report

ISLAMABAD: The Pakistan Bureau of Statistics (PBS) has a weekly report on inflation registering another increase in inflation by 0.74 percent, on Friday.

The overall rate of inflation in the country was recorded at 29.24 percent by PBS.

The PBS data shows that during the week, out of 51 items, 22 items’ prices were increased, 14 decreased, and 15 remained unchanged.

In a week, onion became expensive by 27.16 percent, potato price increased by 5.13 percent, tea increased by 4.62 percent, sugar by 3.6, eggs by2.13 percent, and chicken by 1.98 percent.

The cost of firewood has also increased by 1.21percent, according to the Bureau of Statistics

In one week, the prices of 14 commodities decreased including pulses, cooking oil, ghee, flour, LPG, and garlic. The price of tomatoes decreased by 6.37 percent in one week.