Plight of AIDs patients

The details about the spread of AIDs in Rathdero area of Larkana compiled by the World Health Organistion (WHO) have appeared in print media. In this area 751 people have been reported HIV positive which include 604 children. Only 324 patients have been provided supportive treatment and 57 percent patients are still out of healthcare. The HIV cases are not restricted to the PPP bastion of Larkana alone as a number such cases have also been reported from other cities of Sindh province including Sakkar and Shikarrpur.

From the decade of 70s till date in most of the elected governments the PPP ruled the province including the consecutives terms from 2008. But the oppressive feudal leadership of democracy clamouring day in and day out of the so called political party of downtrodden masses had pushed the people of interior Sindh to abject poverty and deprived them to get better health, education and food facilities. They have shown persistent apathy to hundreds of children that die every year in Thar because of malnutrition and insufficient health facilities. And now the same attitude is demonstrated toward the spread of HIV. Former President Asif Ail Zardari and PPP Chairman is more interested in cobbling together the alliance of opposition parties to launch agitation against the PTI led government and are not bothered about the human tragedies in that are unfolding in Larkana, and other areas of Sindh. Although after the enactment of 18th Amendment healthcare is now entirely a provincial subject but the federal government can still play a role in providing treatment the HIV positive people.