Special Envoy Cary Fowler to travel to Rome

F.P. Report

WASHINGTON: U.S. Department of State Special Envoy for Global Food Security, Dr. Cary Fowler, will travel to Rome September 29 to October 5 for meetings and consultations at the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), and the World Food Programme (WFP). 

Special Envoy Fowler will reiterate the United States’ strategy for addressing the global food security crisis, discuss further collaboration with the Rome-based food agencies, and follow-up on the Global Food Security Summit held in New York on September 20. 

The Special Envoy will underscore the continuing need to respond to global food security challenges caused by the climate crisis, Covid-related supply chain disruptions, high fertilizer prices, and conflicts, including Russia’s ongoing war in Ukraine.