Sobia Nadeem
Street crimes especially harassment, robbery and theft has made lives of citizens miserable in the premises of Oragani town area of Karachi cosmopolitan city.
Now a days, street crimes are common in our area Orangi town, street crime any type of crime which occur on the street. it can be robbery, theft, harassment, criminal damage or assault and can happen to anyone young people may be especially at risk they are out and a lot of and many also be involved in gangs.
These crimes can happen anywhere that children and young people go out school, at home in park, at clubs. street crimes also include in snatching of mobile phone, handbags, watches and money one keeps in one’s pocket.
The major causes of being thieves and burglars are unemployment and poverty which has compelled people to commit crimes to make both ends meet.
This is may be true to some extant however it is the police in action that has further emboldened street criminals. Most people have either be victim of street crimes themselves or know someone who was recently victimized, visiting Orangi town 13 no Gareeb Nawaz is just unsafe as day traveling and especially night traveling .it is humble request to the government should take serious action and try stop street crime.