F.P. Report
PESHAWAR: Since 14th June till 26th 2022, the horrible floods hit all the provinces of Pakistan badly. Although, the first spell of moon soon started from Baluchistan and it submerged major districts of Baluchistan with in four days. Baluchistan being inaccessible and zigzag in nature made it possible for the torrential rain to go in to plains and undaunted Baluchistan.
The dump water then increased the water level thus converted it to disaster and hazard thoroughly. Within a period of forte night the torrential rains entered in to the other parts of the country thus completely undaunted Pakistan and parts of GB. Today no part of the country could be seen without dumped water in its nook an dcorner.
Although, the metrological department had already, issued alert months ago for the preparation of communities to find a safe place before the emergency imposition. However, the government and people took this light and far granted activity and ignore it.The natural disaster is very common phenomenon in human history.It includes both Natural and manmade. Both are dangerous for human survival and humanity. The recent floods in Pakistan have added fuel to a fire.
A country already exposed to all kind of disastrous showed miserable situation all over. Still the country is in a state of Emergency and the damages occurred could be of billions dollars. Up till now 1030 people had lost lives and more than 3023 people have been injured in the storming floods. The submerged water has made it difficult for the people to survive in the flood. The accumulation of water had destroyed everything in its way, Just imagine that 1.5 Million cattle’s had died of the incident. The million fertile lands have been converted to desert or washed away forever.The history of floods devastation is as long as human race.
The recorded floods in China Rivers called Yellow river and River Yangtze has named it the china sorrows. The yellow river is one of the deepest rivers in the world covers an area of 2877 Miles. Just imagine in the last 3000 years more than 1500 floods had hit the area. Exactly like what the People did in Mesopotamia in River Nile when they had to sacrifice a young and beautiful girl to stop the devastation of floods water in moon soon.
Similarly the Chinese had to do before the Christ as these rivers according to their dogma would desire sacrifices of beautiful and pretty girl once in a year. Although in a practice the people had to build buttress to stop the water flow in 8 Miles in china but it could not stopped the flood water. In 1887, the most dreadful flood in china hit the Henan province and undaunted 5000 miles area. Just imagine 1 million people died of the flood and 4 million become shelter less. Thats why it was called the river of sorrow in the history. Even after the dreadful floods million were killed because of food shortage and starvation.
In 1953, the low-lying areas in Holland and England found a flood at night.This flood hit the Belgium, France and Denmark as well. In this flood more than 1800 people were drowned and 72000 were migrated to the other parts. The water undaunted the area where cereals, cattle’s and poultry form were transformed in to a devastated land. In this flood 24000 houses were destroyed in England only. All sort of natural disasters had usually targeted the human race and communities in the past.
The recent floods in Pakistan could be one of them. Rightly Starting from 14th June,2022 to date it had devastated the communities,destroyed the cereals and uprooted the human race with calamities and chaos. The current situation has increased the level of poverty in pakistan.The people had lost land, properties, cash, houses, material and everything they had in their possession. The country is still in a state of Emergency and very huge assistance is required for rehabilitation process with extreme transparency. It will take many years to reestablish and reshape Pakistan in to original one. Unfortunately, Pakistan has unexpected and frequent disastrous history with unpleased moments.
Pakistan is developing country and it had faced many challenges in the last few decades especially, in the perspective of economic crisis. Pakistan needs financial support to stabilize its economy and also huge amount in the process of rehabilitation and reconstruction. More than 143 bridges had lost in the current scenario and more than 178000 people are in open sky.It was a good gesture when Great Britain announced 1.5 Million pound of assistance for the floods victims but it needs transparency in consuming. The amount will be spent on the rehabilitation process no doubt but in how many decades is still a question to be answered in the flood hit area. The USA had already promised I billion dollar assistance and China 25000 Tent with 300000 billion to reconstruct and spend in the flood areas.
Still there is stern need to recover the people from the state of pressure and depression and normalize life in the flood hit areas.The victims of flood are lying in open sky, and they need support for survival. The victims needed FI and NFI quickly. The recent help should include blankets, tents, shelter, Medicine and pure drinking supply water. The medicine at this stage could be very essential because water born disease have been spread in the area making the people alien. The far flung areas required trained professional staff to help the victim and pull them out of the quagmire in emergency. The PDMA and NDMA should help the people who are strange in the hit areas rather than sharing a data only. It is a time to understand the problems of people and develop mechanism for sustaining Pakistan and turning misfortunes in to opportunities.