F.P. Report
MUZAFFARABAD: Prime Minister Azad Jammu and Kashmir Raja Farooq Haider Khan reiterated his resolve to make public servants accountable before the government which was accountable before people to improve governance in the region. Addressing government official in a farewell party in the honor of Secretary Local government who is going to retire this month, Haider said the inefficiency of the government servants was the major problem in governance issues rather corruption in the region.
He said every grade 20 officers was willing to be appointed as secretary of the government which he said was unfair as the post required a competent individual to be appointed who must have been passed through certain process and claimed that his government was making such appointments on merit. He said if top brace would have been working better, lower level official will also perform better that’s why he was trying to bring reforms at top level and will steadily go to bottom level without marginalizing anyone.