Nearly 500 students get access to free education

BADAKHSHAN (TOLOnews): The department of information and culture of Badakhshan province said that it has provided the opportunity of a free education for nearly 500 students in the province.
According to the department’s officials, male students who could not afford to pay for education in private educational centers have been provided with free education for six months.
“Those who are poor and cannot afford to pay for the courses–it is hoped that they will learn here, and we have outstanding teachers to teach them for free,” said Mazuddin Ahmadi, head of information and culture of Badakhshan.
“We have a 12-month and 6-month English system here, in which 360 young people are learning, and we are trying to add many programs in the coming year,” said Attaullah Adeeb, a teacher.
Officials said that this facility provides training in computers, the English language, calligraphy, and religious education.
Students who study at the center welcomed this opportunity.
“There are young people who cannot afford to attend classes, they cannot pay seven hundred to eight hundred afghanis to study a computer program,” said Ainuddin Farrakh, a student.
“This opportunity has been given to young people so that they may learn about technology in many areas,” said Maqsodullah Salehi, another student.
In the past year and a half, many children have turned to hard labor to make a living rather than attending school due to poverty and unemployment.