Peshawar residents distressed as use of firecrackers onEid creates nuisance

Ali Sheikh

PESHAWAR: Residents of different localities in Peshawar have demanded the government to ban the open sale of firecrackers as the exploding of firecrackers by children during the Eid ul Fitr has created nuisance for the people.

The streets of Peshawar ablaze not with festivity but with frustration as the rampant use of firecrackers have sparked discontent among residents, leading to a surge in noise pollution and safety concerns. What was once a religious celebration has transformed into a source of nuisance and distress for many.

As soon as announcement of Eid ul Fitr was made by the Central Reut e Hilal Committee, children came out of streets and used different types of firecrackers creating huge and unbearable noise in every nook and corner of the city. The residents of different areas including Hayatabad, University Town, Bara Gate, Old Bara Road, Swati Phatak, Gulberg and Gulbahar who spoke with this scribe raised their concern over the sale of such firecrackers without any notice taken by the government.

“The excessive use of these explosive devices has left residents on edge, particularly the elderly, ailing community, and pets who are more sensitive to loud noises,” Umar a resident of University Town said.

“The constant barrage of firecrackers has made it impossible to find solace even within the confines of our homes,” laments Mrs. Farid, a resident of Bara Gate. “It’s not only disturbing but also poses a serious risk to our safety,” he added. The issue has prompted calls for action from various quarters of society, with residents urging authorities to enforce strict regulations on the use of firecrackers. Many argue that while celebrating cultural and religious festivities is important, it should not come at the expense of public peace and safety.

As Peshawar grapples with the aftermath of the firecracker frenzy, residents remain hopeful that concerted action and community cooperation will pave the way for a quieter, more peaceful future. It is a reminder that while celebrations may come and go, the well-being and harmony of the community should always remain paramount.