Theatre Festival serves as a vehicle for expression of societal concerns: CM

KARACHI (NNI): Caretaker Sindh Chief Minister Justice (Retd) Maqbool Baqar has said that the Arts Council’s commitment to giving our people the chance to reclaim public spaces is not only limited to this festival, all year round, they beckon the people of Pakistan to step out and participate in various events, not only in Karachi, and the rest of Sindh but all over the country,” he said.
This he said while speaking at the closing ceremony of the Pakistan Theater Festival organized by the Arts Council of Pakistan, Karachi.
He congratulated the directors and artists who have participated in the grand theatrical journey put together by the Arts Council of Pakistan.
He said that seven international troupes, alongside numerous national theatre groups, actively participated in this festival.” It brings me great joy to acknowledge that during their presence here, individuals from diverse nations had the opportunity to witness the softer side of Pakistan and experience our warm hospitality,” he said.
Justice Baqar said that the Arts Council has facilitated the participation of these groups, and the engagement of various consulates, effectively conveying our message of peaceful cultural exchange.
The interim CM said that the festival held great international significance and came at a time when our own society was grappling with numerous challenges. “The Pakistan Theatre Festival, with its diverse and thought-provoking performances, serves as a vehicle for the expression of societal concerns,” he said.
He commended the Arts Council of Pakistan, Karachi, for taking the lead in bringing forth positive public entertainment that serves as a beacon of light in times of strife.
“The Arts Council’s commitment to giving our people the chance to reclaim public spaces is not only limited to this festival, all year round, they beckon the people of Pakistan to step out and participate in various events, not only in Karachi, and the rest of Sindh but all over the country,” he said and added that it was a call to action, a call to engage collectively in the creation of a harmonious society built on principles of peace and tolerance.
The CM said that while we were concluding the event, let’s not forget the power of art to deliver messages that resonate deeply with our hearts and minds.
“It is through such messages that individuals can go home, ponder the world around them, and contribute to positive change,” he said and added “Let’s celebrate the Arts Council of Pakistan, Karachi, for being a beacon of creativity, enlightenment, and social responsibility. The Pakistan Theatre Festival is a testament to the transformative power of art,” he said.
He hoped that many festivals like this continue to thrive, inspiring us all to engage in the creation of a better, more enlightened society.