Two Afghan citizens secretly executed in Iran

KABUL (Khaama Press): The Human Rights Organization of Iran has announced that two Afghan prisoners have been executed in the central prison of Karaj, Iran.

According to reports, these Afghan citizens were executed on Saturday for the crime of “intentional murder.”

According to the organization, “These two Afghan citizens were transferred to solitary confinement on Thursday, along with Akbar Nehmati, who had previously been convicted of intentional murder to retribution. Akbar Nehmati returned to his cell with a 15-day respite, but the two Afghan prisoners were executed on Saturday.”

So far, the identity of these individuals and their crimes have not been officially announced.

Statistics from the Iranian Human Rights Organization indicate that at least 582 individuals were executed in the prisons of the Islamic Republic in 2023.

Previously, most Afghan citizens have been executed in Iranian prisons for crimes related to drug trafficking and murder.

It should be noted that Iranian authorities have reported that about six thousand Afghan citizens are imprisoned in Iran.

While this is happening, the international community and human rights defenders have consistently complained about the implementation of the death penalty by the Islamic Republic of Iran.