KABUL (Agencies): Deputy Minister of Martyrs and Disabled Affairs in the Ministry accountability program says that in the past year, 70,000 disabled and orphans have received 6 months’ payment.
Sheikh Abdul Hakim Haqqani, Deputy Minister of Martyrs and Disabled Affairs told the nation on Sunday in the government’s reporting program that the Ministry has started the process of investigating and registering disabled and orphans of the previous administration and the Islamic Emirate, adding 127 thousand disabled and orphans has been registered. He said people of fraud who are not eligible for the process will be expelled from the database of the ministry.
The Ministry of Martyrs and Disabled Affairs has completed the process of identifying disabled people in the center and all provinces for the purpose of registration, determining the level of disability and registering disabled people, and the process of identifying orphans in the center and all provinces are also continued, he added.
According to the Ministry, each orphan will be paid 2000 Afghanis and 5000 to widows per month, adding 70,000 of the mentioned people received their monthly payment for 6 months so far.
He said the budget of the ministry in the fiscal year of 1401 is 13.5 billion Afghanis, which is paid for the martyrs and disabled people in the center and provinces of the country.
Food and non-food items were distributed to a large number of families of martyrs and disabled people with the financial assistance of foreign and domestic organizations, and cash has been distributed to 30,000 families by humanitarian organizations, he added.