Monitoring Desk
KABUL: An Afghan businessman has established the first ‘medical drip’ production factory in the western Herat province of Afghanistan, investing over one million dollars.
This is the only and first ‘medical drip’ production factory in the country that produces twelve thousand liters of ‘medical drip’ daily which meets the needs of the local market partially, the factory owner said.
“We have started producing eight types of ‘medical drips’ and aim to further expand to produce all other types of parental solutions”, Mohammad Reza Alami, the owner of the factory said.
Afghanistan’s health sector officials described the quality of the production ‘satisfactory’ and said both the public and private hospitals and clinic may use these products.
“The medical drips produced at this factory have been tested several times in the laboratories at the Ministry of Public Health and the result was shown to be satisfactory”, Abdul Hakim Tamanna the head of Herat’s public health directorate said.
Herat’s governor Abdul QayoumRahimi said he will support the local investments and productions and will ban the imports of similar products in order to support local products.(Khaama Press)