Peru shamans see Russia-Ukraine fight ending in 2023, peace pact by August

MOSCOW (Reuters): Shamans and healers, donning traditional Andean attire in capital Lima, welcome coming year in a purification ceremony incorporating flowers, incense, a snake, and photos of Ukrainian and Russian presidents.

Peace between Russia and Ukraine is on the horizon in the new year, a group of shamans and healers in Peru’s capital Lima have predicted during an annual ceremony.

Atop a hilltop, the shamans, donning traditional Andean attire, welcomed the coming year on Wednesday in a purification ceremony incorporating flowers, incense, a snake, and photos of the Ukrainian and Russian presidents.

“All this will calm down. Peace, tranquillity will come. That’s what we’ve seen,” said shaman Cleofe Sedano, predicting a peace treaty would be signed by August.

Shamans display posters of Ukrainian President Zelensky (L) and Russian President Putin while executing a ritual.
Shamans display posters of Ukrainian President Zelensky (L) and Russian President Putin while executing a ritual. (AFP)

The ceremony, performed every year in late December, comes ten months after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, which has left tens of thousands dead.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has been vigorously promoting a 10-point peace plan.

But Russia says there will be no “peace plan” possible with Ukraine if Kiev does not account for four of its regions joining Russia.

Russia does not currently control the regions of Donetsk, Lugansk, Kherson and Zaporizhzhia in full, but Russia’s top diplomat Sergey Lavrov says that is Moscow’s ultimate goal.

Shamans executing their rituals in front of pictures of world leaders including Zelenskyy, Biden and Lula da Silva.
Shamans executing their rituals in front of pictures of world leaders including Zelenskyy, Biden and Lula da Silva. (AFP)

Issuing their omens after hovering over a sheet of flowers and coca leaves, with skulls on the ground, the shamans also predicted natural disasters.

“Next year there will be an earthquake, but not in the capital of Peru, in another place, mostly abroad in the northern part of America, which could be the United States… there will be a lot of tragedy, mostly climatic,” said shaman Walter Alarcon.

Peruvian shamans equipped with coca leaves, swords, smoking ceramic pots, incense, and a live snake execute a ritual at the top of a hill over Lima.
Peruvian shamans equipped with coca leaves, swords, smoking ceramic pots, incense, and a live snake execute a ritual at the top of a hill over Lima. (AFP)